User Experiences

Find out how others are using Leafcloud to run all sorts of workloads on our carbon-negative cloud

Globescope opts for sustainable machine learning

“If we can make these beautiful, cool things, let's do it as cleanly as possible.”
Erik de Jong - Technical Director at Globescope

Milieudefensie switches to the truly green cloud

“By choosing green and fair today, you’re building your future.”
Machiel van Veen - Systems adminsistrator at Milieudefensie

Sustainable digital learning with Feedbackfruits

“If you are going to start machines somewhere, do it in the cloud where training the AI ​​will not have a negative impact on the environment.”
Steffan Sluis - Senior developer at FeedbackFruits

Green cloud solution for

“Everything you expect from a cloud service: safe, powerful, and reliable.”
Martijn van Leeuwen - Tech Lead at